
Little Brother

posted by Karsten

I have, for a long time, wanted to read the Cory Doctorow book “Little Brother”. I’ve read quite a bit of Cory’s work, but unfortunately not gotten around to reading this one. Just before Christmas a friend of mine (JD) asked me on Facebook if I had read it, and I could only respond that I hadn’t. It is this question that got me started this time!

I combined this with another item on my to-do list, which was to try and read a book on my Android phone. I downloaded the book in epub format, and got Aldiko installed. I’ve now just finished the book, and I must say that it has been a fantastic experience. Having it with me on my phone has made me realise how much time there is in the day that could be used for reading! I’ve had the phone up of my pocket quite often when I’d normally just be standing waiting for someone or something.

On top of that, or indeed, even without considering the technology – the book is awesome – if you haven’t read it, do! It is published with a nice open source license, so there really is no excuse not to go through the above link and get it… 😉

I like how he manages to describe quite complicated technical issues in an easy-to-understand way, and anyone who manages to promote computer programming through fiction, meanwhile pointing out severe flaws in the hysteria surrounding the CCTV against terror nation we are living in is a hero in my book.

Thanks Cory!


2 Responses to “Little Brother”

  1. JD says:

    I have recommended this to a number of students, too, and they just love it. Doctorow captures the angst/counter-culturalism that so many teens feel, and he channels it into a pretty realistic scenario. As you said, I think it got to the gist of what hacking really is. I know that I have a lot more respect for the writers of computer code now that I’ve read this book, and I’m hoping to channel that respect to my kids.

  2. Karsten says:

    Even though I probably am older than the target group of this book it still managed to keep me spell bound! More so actually than the other books I’ve read of his…

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