
Ndoo – a review of the experience

posted by Karsten

I received an email with the title “Hominize Android, you profit more than Android!” some weeks ago, and I was so close at just deleting it. This is my usual response to mails that seems to be spam, however, as this mail at least had two words in the title I found quite interesting, I read it.

It was an ad for Android developers for a Chinese market place called Ndoo. I thought no harm done in contacting them, and see how that works, with the full awareness that if they would ask me for cash I’d be out! So I sent an email saying that I was interested, but wouldn’t be able to translate my apps into Chinese. The answer came almost prompt (I think they work long hours…), that they could translate my apps for free!! No cash exchange at any point! Additionally at this moment they only accept free/ad based apps, as payments haven’t been set up yet. So this is I no way spam, I think they are doing this to get the market up and running fast.

They’ve now translated the first app for me, and apart for a few glitches in communication (both from my side and theirs) the experience has been very smooth. They have also uploaded the game to the market. You can see it here. My stats show that people are downloading from it, slower than SlideME and Google, but much faster than e.g. Amazon (there you seemingly need to be an app rockstar to get downloads as there are no embedded advertising for new apps), getjar or appslib. It will be every interesting to follow the development.

I can only recommend this to other developers who might want to try something different with their apps.


7 Responses to “Ndoo – a review of the experience”

  1. Karsten says:

    And my other app can be found here: http://nduoa.com/apk/detail/38534

  2. Pete says:

    hey, i got the same mail from Ndoo, do they ask for any kind of source code to translate apps, or anything else, how was the whole process?


  3. I too received email from them, and they translated my app to chinese for free. I am now submitting the free ad-supported app to them and hope to see a nice number of downloads from them in my analytics account.

  4. Karsten says:

    @Pete They only need your stings.xml file and any graphics including text. No source code at all. They also want you to sign a distribution contract which to me looked fine.

  5. Jordan says:

    I too have received the email, my question, has anyone gotten paid by
    admob for all these downloads in another country?

    I mean with that market reach, surely us developers would see a large
    increase in revenue, but has anyone actually received payment from
    admob clicks in another country?

  6. Karsten says:

    I personally haven’t been paid yet. Before doing this I checked the terms and conditions and they do not mention anything specifically about China. Additionally, when you make a campaign you can specify China as a country to target, so I’m pretty sure it is “fair game”. I also know that adsense ads through admob are displayed in Chinese when shown on a Chinese language mobile.

    If you are in doubt ask Admob (if you get an answer I’d like to know), until you get an answer you can set up your ads to outside China, and only serve house ads in China…

  7. Eiswuxe says:

    I recently made the same experiment and now my app is available in the ndoo market. I can say nothing negative about ndoo. If you want to read the full story, check this link:

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