
Create a new Game Project

posted by Karsten

I have had a few questions in my “Begin Programming” course on FutureLearn.com on how to start a new project when you for instance want to create another version of the game.

This used to be quite a process in the old days in Eclipse, but under Android Studio it is actually much simpler than one would expect. You just make a copy of the folder with the game (e.g. ctrl-c, ctrl-v on Windows). Rename both folders to something appropriate, and you can then open the new folder in Android Studio, and everything should be starting up correctly.

You now have the project in two different folders, and you can start making your fancy new game 😉

P.S. I usually rename both folders for two reasons. Firstly I like to have an original folder with the original code, and secondly I want to be sure that there are no “absolute” links in any of the folders that might disturb functionality in any of the other folders (it is unlikely but I just prefer belt and braces)

P.P.S. If you want to do this as a “pro” you would normally use a versioning system, such as git or subversion. However this is somewhat out of scope of the “Begin Programming” course, but might be something you’d like to look at for further studies…


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