
Novell – Microsoft deal

posted by Karsten

So Novell has struck a deal with Microsoft. Microsoft makes a covenant not to sue Novell for patent infringment. You would have thought that Novell paid for this "service", but no Mircosoft is paying Novell for the right not to sue!!!!

Are we going to see a M$ patent campaign soon?

Will this "help" Microsofts campaign for software patents in Europe? 

Has Novell sold its soul? (Novell doesn't even own the IP of most of the software ion SUSE anyway. It's GPL code from other open source projects…)



One Response to “Novell – Microsoft deal”

  1. George P. says:

    Well it looks like the patent campaign that was running some months ago around Europe. Don't forget the whole joke with the Unix tools of MS… actually that is the best "comic" software i have seen around for a long time.

    For my opinion linux will hit the MS, only if the community stops working on small individual projects and unites for something with more common standarts, especially around gaming and multimedia.

    About Novell,… i never understood why on the first place novell didn't invested properly on Suse. Somebody would expect that having such a strong business player supporting linux would make the things go faster,… but apparently not as it seems.

    I only wish that the rumors of "blue linux" by IBM are correct and that finally we will come to see a strong distro 🙂 (… IBM please make my day…)

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