
Educational Mobile App Privacy Statement

posted by Karsten

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Privacy statement

Ngaa Mati:
The app does not use, share or store any private user information.
The app uses Google Analytics to analyse user behaviours. Only user behaviour is captured and the data is anonymised. The app has been developed as part of research performed at Victoria University of Wellington. The behavioural data might therefore be used in further research and to improve the app.  However, the data provided collected is not attributable to you in any way. By using the app, you consent to the use of this content being used for educational research purposes.

Te reo – chat:
The app does not use, share or store any private user information gather from you phone. It does store information that  you disclose in the chatbot and logs are generated and stored of all chat communication. The app uses Google Analytics to analyse user behaviours.  This storage is in place to improve the app’s ability in the future. The app has been developed as part of research performed at Victoria University of Wellington. The behavioural data might be used in further research, however the information provided by you and data collected will not be used verbatim or be attributable to you in any way. By using the app, you consent to the use of this content being used for educational research purposes. If the data that has been gathered reveals personal information, such as names and addresses, then this will be removed at the point of recognising the issue and anonymised before it is used for these purposes.

Who am I
My name is Karsten Lundqvist and I am an academic staff member in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

What is the aim of the projects behind the apps
I am studying two things.

I am developing tools that can be used to teach te reo Maori. I am a learner myself, and there are too few tools around. While doing this I am using the data to improve the tools and the pedagogical methods behind the tools.

Secondly I am also studying how Maori culture can be used to enhance computer science and engineering understanding.

What will happen to the collected data
This research is anonymous. This means that nobody, including the researchers will be aware of your identity. By downloading and using the apps, you are giving consent for us to use the collected data in this research. Your will remain completely anonymous and unidentifiable. Once you interact with the app it will be impossible to retract your interactions. Please do not include any personal identifiable information in your interaction. If the data that has been gathered reveals personal information, such as names and addresses, then this will be removed at the point of recognising the issue and anonymised before it is used for these purposes.

What will the project produce
The information from my research will be used in academic reports and publications at journals and conference.

If you have any questions, who can you contact?
If you have any questions, either now or in the future, please feel free to contact me:
Name: Karsten Oster Lundqvist
Role: Senior Lecturer
School: School of Engineering and Computer Science

Human Ethics Committee information
If you have any concerns about the ethical conduct of the research you may contact the Victoria University HEC Convenor: Associate Professor Susan Corbett. Email susan.corbett@vuw.ac.nz or telephone +64-4-463 5480.


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