University Of Reading July 2010

Karstens PhD graduation University of Reading. photo by Asun Olivan

Being a proud Wife

Its now official I am married to a certified Geek. My Husband received his PhD in Computer Science  in July from University of Reading. Needless to say I am very proud, and brag about his achievement to any one who will listen.  Being a Dane he himself does not tell people left right and center about his outstanding achievement, but I am just simply proud.

It did mean that I was not able to attend meetings and conferences I would have loved to attend, but I wouldn’t have missed my husbands graduation for anything.  The title of his Thesis is: “Ontology Supported Comparison in Vague Domains” If you want to see what it is about- because there is no way I’m gonna try to explain it – then check it out on

I guess I cant help being proud with such an achievement. So I had to blog about it…