
Learning by Gaming

posted by Karsten

When preparing for my presentation at ePortfolio 2007 in Maarstrict next week I stumbled upon this webpage http://www.gotgamebook.com/

It talks about all the benefits that gaming has to you learning, and the list is long. Halleluja, we can game on, and become great learners. Life is sweet!! 


3 Responses to “Learning by Gaming”

  1. Shirley Williams says:

    Shall I order it?

    Still need 8 more books this year.

  2. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    I think that would be a good idea. The gamer generation is another tag for the homo zappiens, and would be a great source of references 😉

  3. Thaddeus Aid says:

    oo looks good I want to read it if it gets ordered.

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