posted by Karsten
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I’ve worked at University of Reading from 2005-2010 as a Research Assistant, first with Prof Keith Baker and after that with Prof Shirley Williams. From 2010-2016 I worked as an academic at UoR. After that I decided it was time to try something new, and I now work as a senior lecturer (associate professor in the US) at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). My interests are very broad in eLearning, spanning from knowledge representation (ontologies) and competency descriptions over social networks to Digital Identity. Here is a list of the different projects that have funded my work and fun at UoR.
Victoria University of Wellington funded:
- Maori eLearning: Creating eLearning that utilise Maori culture to teach computer science
University of Reading funded:
- RedGloo: Social network / learning landscape at UoR
EU funded:
- I-TUTOR: Intelligent Tutor System
- Enable: Embedded coding of Wrist Unit for the elderly
- Mobiblog: Blogging for mobile students (i.e. Erasmus Students not Android Students)
- LLL3D: Study of benefits of Virtual worlds in eLearning
- Muvenation: Virtual Worlds within teachers training
- Trace: Competency “translation” in Europe (for detail see my thesis)
- Triangle (establishing EFQUEL): Quality in eLearning
JISC (UK) funded:
- DEVELOP (code repository): Blackboard Buildingblocks development for improving eLearning
- ASSET: Video for feedback provision in Higher Education
- MeAggregator: Aggregation of content on social web