Posts Tagged ‘patent’


Patents – US really should sort out their mess!

posted by Karsten

in Uncategorized

Just to show the ludicrous patent situation as reported by The Register.

Starting with an attack of 132 patents, Oracle had to cut that to 21 to make to “judgable”. Choosing those that we can assume are the ones they would suspect were most likely to win in court, of these 17 have already been rejected with prior art etc., leaving 4, that are still up for debate in court!

What would happen if they attacked a “small” provider like HTC or similar? They’d cut a deal before even having cut it down to 21 not to mention to 4 – this has happened so many times!!

This is *NOT* promoting innovation, rather the opposite only benefiting the solicitors, and the end users suffer.

I can kind of understand patents if they constitute real investments in innovation, but sorry, more often than not this isn’t the case in US. They are so easy to obtain, and then the legal battles have to sort out the mess, in a situation where the company with most cash usually persists and win, if not the legal battle, then the settlement battle…

Oh, and don’t get me started on software patents!!!

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Apple UI design claims

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

In the recent Mac celebration of innovation, that normal geeks think of as a release announcement, Jobs claimed about touch screen UI:”We’ve done tons of user testing on this, and it turns out it doesn’t work,” adding that “touch surfaces want to be horizontal.”

Now I find that astounding! First of all I have at many occasions used my Android phone while being vertical! Actually daily, if not 90% of the time I use it!

I’ve also used my tablet PC – sorry iPad isn’t that innovative in my mind as I have had tablets for 5 years now – in vertical positions, heck even in reverse horizontal positions (as in in bed upside down!)

I have even found myself sat in front of my linux box pointing at windows to move them – yes, it didn’t work – but it showed to me that using the fingers on my vertical screens would actually not fell that foreign, actually it would feel quite natural.

Am I really that different from other people?! Am I that geeky, that I can use my super geeky powers in such innovative ways that I can put my greasy fingers on a vertical screen and expect it to move stuff? Apparently! Or has this position by Jobs something to do with Microsoft’s patents pre-dating Apple’s patents on this, trying to avoid patent wars? I think the latter, and I would have liked Jobs to be upfront about it. I’d actually have praised him for it!!


Yet Another Patent

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

Right now the patent for the technology behind all Ajax processes and most p2p processes is up for graps in an auction (US Patent 6418462

My question is how the beeeep Yongyong Xu was able to get a patent issued on a computer process so simple as connecting a client to a server through a "sideband service" after an initial server connection has been made?

What can I say about American patent laws!!


Yet another crazy patent

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

So now we can't use linked lists anymore in our programming!! According to this linked lists using pointers was patented in 2006 by an "inventor".

Isn't it just annoying! I thought they were common knowledge of programmers, so I just used them since the mid-80s. I should have patented them then and would now be living the good life supported by the royalties…


Novell – Microsoft deal

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

So Novell has struck a deal with Microsoft. Microsoft makes a covenant not to sue Novell for patent infringment. You would have thought that Novell paid for this "service", but no Mircosoft is paying Novell for the right not to sue!!!!

Are we going to see a M$ patent campaign soon?

Will this "help" Microsofts campaign for software patents in Europe? 

Has Novell sold its soul? (Novell doesn't even own the IP of most of the software ion SUSE anyway. It's GPL code from other open source projects…)

