Posts Tagged ‘widget’


Javascript widget

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I’ve now finalised the Javascript Widget for RedGloo, so that you for instance can embed Google Gadgets. You can see a Pacman game example on my profile page.

Remember that Javascript is powerful, and thus a bit dangerous. Don’t add stupid stuff please! We enable this, because you could have embedded javascript in the templates anyway, now you just have a bit more flexibility…


The Arrival of Wave

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I’ve created a wave widget for RedGloo 8)

The easiest way to see how it looks is to go to my profile.

You can set one up yourself, if you have access to the wave system. The easiest way to get the needed wave panel and wave id that is needed to setup the plugin is probably to invite the embeddy robot ( to the wave. It will give you all the needed info (albreit in a script).

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posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I just want to say for the record, that I were the first to put a status widget on my front page…

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