
WP export/import Arrgghhh!!

posted by Karsten

Working on this feature even more this morning.

I’ve managed to get tags to import, but they aren’t assigned to the posts. This is weird as the xml is the same as the original export files from WP, so I thought some test would be appropriate.

If I export a original WXR to an empty WP blog, it seemingly works. The tags are assigned as they shoud, so I’ll have to do more work on my export files. I suspect at this moment that WP break XML rules, we’ll see.

However the reason for this blog is that categories are imported strangely! In my export file I have a category called “test cat” with a slug/nicename test_cat. This gets imported but not used, however a category, which isn’t declared anywhere in the WXR with slug test-cat is created and assigned to the blog appropriately! This is bizarre behaviour.

I see a bug report coming up to WP…


4 Responses to “WP export/import Arrgghhh!!”

  1. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    WP breaks XML!!

    <category domain=”tag” nicename=”test”><![CDATA[test]]></category> changed to <category domain=’tag’nicename=’test’><![CDATA[test]]></category> and now the tag export works! Bad WP!!

  2. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    Sorry WordPress Importer Plugin breaks XML – Not WP!

  3. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    Seem to be mostly sorted out. I still want to add more functionality to this, so if you want a more complete export, don’t use it yet…

  4. Karsten says:

    As you can see – I got this to work 😀

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