

posted by Karsten

This morning was the first morning after the summer where I really felt like having a lay in! It is d*mn hard to get up when it is dark and raining outside. I managed to get up, just to realise that my wife needed the car (although she can hardly drive due to a bruised angle), so I had to walk in the rain to the bus stop 🙁

I've managed to get in to the office somehow, and now I am just annoyed that the whether is nice outside with blue skies!!!!

Is it human nature to never be satisfied? Or is it nature's "nature" to annoy me, well that's another conspiracy theory.



posted by Karsten

I’ve uploaded a small solitairegame I made a few yrs back. It’s made in oldstyle win32 (mostly because I was curious how win32 works), so it only runs on windows based systems (relies on card.dll, so won’t run on vista/win7 without installing it).

It isn’t your traditional solitaire as same suite goes on same suite – not mixed colors. Have a go at it :o)

source (GPL license)



posted by Karsten

Allegro is a games developments library, which is reasonably easy to use. Here reasonably means that you need to be a c or python programmer!

If you are (or hopefully you’ll be in a years time) Allegro is a fast direct access library to the graphics card and IO system of your computer. Additionally it is a cross platform library that is implemented on Windows, Linux, Apple and others. I’ve used it a bit and can only recommend it!


Folksonomies and tag ontologies

posted by Karsten


It seems to me that folksonomies are way too vague in the semantics department. They are very valuable in describing the “world”, because they are produced by the collective, however there simply is a lag of semantic meaning in the way they are described in the data. Hence there is a need for a “tag ontology” which describes the semantic relations between the elements in the folksonomy. This would allow automation from free text, images, video etc. to aggregated semantics based applications, such as search, comparison, and translations. This is simply not possible with standard standalone folksonomies…


Name of the homepage

posted by Karsten

Should this site be called "SSE Elgg site" or could there be a better name?


Name of the homepage

posted by Karsten

Should this site be called "SSE Elgg site" or could there be a better name?


Microsoft to release development for Xbox 360

posted by Karsten

Who would have thought that the big old dragon would be releasing a homebrewing development suite for the xbox 360!

As far as I know this is a first in the history of gaming consoles, and I must say that this puts Bill G. in an unusual saint-like position. Something for Sony and Nintendo to learn from!

The suite will be free of charge (not free as in speech) but users will have to pay $99 a year to join a community of hackers! 



posted by Karsten

I've just been hacking a bit on the ELGG site and I unfortunately had to use the "vi" editor through Putty! And I've got a statement:


 or is it



Themes and Communities

posted by Karsten

I've looked at changing themes for communities, and it seems like that it is impossible to do from the standard ELGG implementation.

I think it is a bug, because the functionality is there from a database perspective! (Communities are normal users, and users can be assigned specific themes / templates)

So this is a call for a change:

We move the theme change functionality away from account settings and over to profile, as it is possible to change profiles for both users and communities.


I'm open for other places to put this funcctionality, but something needs to be done. The default theme is not the best, hence should not be the theme for all communities… 


PC 25 yrs old, are they mad science?

posted by Karsten

if (PC.attribute == "mad science")


    we.are = "screwed"




    goto 25yrs old?

system.out.print("Am I mad?");
