Archive for the ‘RedGloo’ Category


Javascript widget

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I’ve now finalised the Javascript Widget for RedGloo, so that you for instance can embed Google Gadgets. You can see a Pacman game example on my profile page.

Remember that Javascript is powerful, and thus a bit dangerous. Don’t add stupid stuff please! We enable this, because you could have embedded javascript in the templates anyway, now you just have a bit more flexibility…


RedGloo meets Facebook

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I've added a facebook sharing button underneath blogposts. This should make it easier to make posts on RedGloo and then share it on facebook afterwards, and indeed share interesting blogs by others if you fancy that…


Fish Tank

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I'd like to highlight the fact that RedGloo allows you to change the template of your blog. Therefore I've added a Gooogle Widget fish tank to my site instead of the RedGloo banner.

We decided to allow this, so that you guys can be as creative as you like – and perhaps learn a little bit about web dev in the process… To start changing you just go to "Account Settings" and press change theme, and you'll get to a page with the templates you have available. You can easily create a new template based on another one, apply the changes you want, and preview it before you actually apply it to you page (or any of the communities you "own")

BTW I might soon add a Javascript widget, because that would allow even more innovation, and the risks in a normal site would be minimal, as we'd know who'd done something seriously bad if that were to happen – and you already could do harm if you really wanted to in a template 😉 


The Arrival of Wave

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I’ve created a wave widget for RedGloo 8)

The easiest way to see how it looks is to go to my profile.

You can set one up yourself, if you have access to the wave system. The easiest way to get the needed wave panel and wave id that is needed to setup the plugin is probably to invite the embeddy robot ( to the wave. It will give you all the needed info (albreit in a script).

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This Is *Not* Me

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo

I was reading this blogpost from the This Is Me project website with interest. In it the was mentioned as a place that aggregate stuff about you. I thought I'd give it a try.

It found loads of stuff about me, which I really liked. All my academic endavours was there, and plenty of the webservices that I use were also mentioned.

BUT There was on big problem. My facebook account! I know that there is approximately 2 Karsten Lundqvist people in this world. Me and a younger person in Norway. Now obviously I don't mind that, and he usually doesn't clutter my online identity. But when 123people put his account as being my account, I get quite suspect as to what algorithms they use in their processes. First of all, he is very young, compared to me, and probably doesn't have too many academic credentials unless he is a Norwegian wonder kid (Sorry Karsten if you are… And good luck, you might get them later on, something I can only encourage!!) Secondly his profile doesn't have as many friends as mine (just), but most importantly, it doesn't look like any of his friends are in my linkedin network (which they do display as being my profile), and I do have several of my facebook friends in my linkedin network – maybe that should have been a clue?

Actually the only clue to why they select this profile (and not both) is that his name is an exact match, and I also use my middle name in my facebook profile. This is quite frankly a method of selection that #fail!!


All teachers dream answering phone

posted by Karsten

in RedGloo


#noRG and Twitter feed

posted by Karsten

in elggcontent, RedGloo

If you aren't in the twitter "roll" on the front page then this isn't for you! (If you want to be on it – contact us…)

Otherwise, if you have an occasional tweet that you do not want to show up on the redgloo frontpage, then use #noRG (case in-sensitive so e.g. #norg works as well) tag in your post and it won't show up.

In case you wonder why #noRG – it stands for "no RedGloo".


Thanks _Andrew_Harvey_ et Al for this nifty idea!


“Empty” blogs removed from recent activity

posted by Karsten

in elggcontent, RedGloo

I was getting annoyed by empty blogs in the recent activity feed. (SoAndSo posted a new blog entry named .)

I've changed it, so it will provide a link to the blog if there is content, otherwise it will just proclaim that the blog is empty.


Twitter alias in extended profile

posted by Karsten

in elggcontent, RedGloo

You can now add your twitter account as part of your extended profile.

Just go and edit you profile, and you'll see it in the list underneath skype account.


Front page re-arranged

posted by Karsten

in elggcontent, RedGloo

Just thought the old quick links and action shortcuts took up a lot of real estate on the frontpage, so I've changed them to dropdown boxes.

They'll only work if javascript is enabled, which I think is ok.
