I’ve been investigating solutions for exporting blogs from Redgloo to elsewhere.
I’ve already added the functionlity to export your own blog posts as rss in one single rss file. This however doesn’t export comments, nor is it possible to export any access restricted material.
It seems feasible, by using rss2.php under mod/blog, to create an export facility which creates an extended WordPress rss feed to allow easy export to WordPress. This would allow export of comments and potentially tags as categories.
Some discussion would also be needed regarding access restricted material.
Archive for the ‘elggcontent’ Category
If you aren't in the twitter "roll" on the front page then this isn't for you! (If you want to be on it – contact us…)
Otherwise, if you have an occasional tweet that you do not want to show up on the redgloo frontpage, then use #noRG (case in-sensitive so e.g. #norg works as well) tag in your post and it won't show up.
In case you wonder why #noRG – it stands for "no RedGloo".
Thanks _Andrew_Harvey_ et Al for this nifty idea!
The flagging system has been working all along, or so we thought!
Pat and I was doing a few small tests, and found out that the flags didn't work… This hasn't worked apparently for quite some time (since last upgrade we did of the elgg source), so if you've flagged something then, hmmnn, sorry we didn't see it!
It now works after a serious debugging session.
Yesterday Shirley suggested that we ought to add the tweets from twitter.com/redgloo (and the accounts friends) to the frontpage of redgloo. I thought this was a good idea, and I went ahead and implemented it. First naively, but now with a cache which is updated every minute to avoid API logout.
So if you want to have your tweets on the frontpage of redgloo, send a mail to odinlab@reading.ac.uk with you twitter account detail and we'll be-friend you – if you aren't a reckless spammer or relentlessly tweeting about things that we deem being inappropriate…
It has always annoyed me that the icons next to blogs posted on communities have been using the community icon rather than the user icon.
I've now changed it.
Richard Hussey kindly pointed out, that there was a small bug in the sidebar (the area underneath Profile pictures) when viewing your personal page.
Normally there shouldbe a section called "Forum & Blogs", however this didn't show on personal pages. This has now been resolved. It was a bug in the ELGG code, where a piece of code was inside an ELSE part of an IF statement. I have now moved it outside this block, and it seems to work fine. Yay!
I've had a few complaints coming in, that it can take a long time to authenticate from outside the Uni, especially when using a non-Uni account.
I've made a small change to the authentication code, which hopefully should rectify this. Most users should not feel a difference, but if you do, please notify my.
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