
Twitter feed on frontpage

posted by Karsten

Yesterday Shirley suggested that we ought to add the tweets from twitter.com/redgloo (and the accounts friends) to the frontpage of redgloo. I thought this was a good idea, and I went ahead and implemented it. First naively, but now with a cache which is updated every minute to avoid API logout.

So if you want to have your tweets on the frontpage of redgloo, send a mail to odinlab@reading.ac.uk with you twitter account detail and we'll be-friend you – if you aren't a reckless spammer or relentlessly tweeting about things that we deem being inappropriate…


10 Responses to “Twitter feed on frontpage”

  1. Shirley Williams says:

    looks really good. I've DMed everyone we already follow on RedGloo and no one has opted out.

  2. Richard Sherwood says:

    Liking the live twitter feed on the front page. Would it be possible though to display URL's that appear in peoples messages as actual links rather than just text though?

  3. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    Good idea – just implemented it 😉

  4. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    And I've added links for @someone and #something as well…

  5. Richard Sherwood says:

    Nice… Cool

  6. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    And completely forgot about capital letters, which has been rectified…

  7. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    And forgot about '_'. Now wondering what other chars I forgot…

  8. Jerry Davis says:

    Good morning Karsten.
    I’ve signed up to your #mooc.
    Looking forward to learning.
    Thought you might like to know the http://scratch.mit.edu/, link didn’t work.

    • Karsten says:

      Nice to meet you!
      Hope you’ll enjoy the course. The scratch url works on my computers (just tested it), so there might have been a local problem with their servers when you tried it…

      See you in the course.

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