

posted by Karsten

Hmn, after a 5 days in bed I'm happily back in good health! I feel like I've been too sick the last year (I had 4 days in the autumn, and a couple of days the autumn 2005.) which I'm not used to! This time I contaminated Kirsten (my wife) as well, so she is in bed as I write…

I hope it hasn't anything to do with the Uni heating system, which is a strange entity that makes the temperatur go up and down randomly in my office. I know that the Uni has been looking at it for ages without any results as far as I know, so if it is the cause then I'm pretty much stuck with it πŸ™ 


3 Responses to “Illness…”

  1. Rob Ashton says:

    Welcome back – and while yes the Uni heating system is dodgy, I doubt that was the cause – I personally would be blaming viruses or bacteria πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

  2. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    Cheers! It probably was a virus – but dodgy heating doesn't help…

  3. Emma Guy says:

    Kirsten and Karsten!? Heh, ace πŸ˜€

    You should be on tv :p

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