
Where to post?!

posted by Karsten

So now it is my turn to have that question…

I’m not, as you’ll notice from my RedGloo postings, the most productive blogger in the world. And I’ve tried to keep my blogs to a limited number of places, where it has been making sense where a certain blog should go. For instance MUVE related stuff has gone to either LLL3D or MUVEnation, other work related stuff has gone to here, and private stuff, well at the moment facebook, but for a time it went to my private webdomain, which ended looking like I didn’t have a life, so I removed the blog, and has kept it as a static webpage.

But now I have the problem, where I feel like I should have one single repository of blogs, which then are distributed to the different blogging platforms on demand with a shared pool of comments. Linksphere has been introduced! It’s a social network intended for researchers at UoR, which has been set up by my friend and colleague Pat, who is reminding me what a good idea it is to blog there – yet the same post could easily have been posted here…

This is all good, but now I have this blogging sense of multiple personalities, which I somehow have to sort out in my head… 😉


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