
Firefox 2.0

posted by Karsten

I've just installed the Firefox 2.0 browser, and my initial reaction is; "oh, my god, this is good!"

Initially these are the key points I like the most: 

  • It installed fast and without rebooting.
  • It handles rss-feed as any other page
  • It "remembers" all tabs, so if you close one by mistake, you simple re-open it!
  • It seems VERY fast

I thought about upgrading to IE7.0 as well. It would be nice to have a benchmark competition.


2 Responses to “Firefox 2.0”

  1. David Johnson says:

    I used to run Firefox, but switched to IE7 since I use Windows anyway, and it's almost impossible to remove IE from Windows (and you can't do Windows updates without it). IE7's tabbing is wierd though and takes a bit of getting used to.

  2. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    Yea, I've still got IE on the system, cuz it is so heavily integrated and because some few sites still needs it. I just like the way Firefox works…

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