

posted by Karsten

I've just heard that the SSE Volleyball society has lost the slot in the sports hall, due to renovation. And that we might have lost it for good, because we aren't a "true" university sports club!

So now I've got a problem! I need exercise…

As you might have seen in my profile I hate running without a purpose, so that rules out jogging, biking etc. But I'd like to play something, cuz otherwise I'll just be complete indulged in my virtual life here at the Uni!

Now I probably need to put on my thinking hat, and find some good sports club somewhere!! 


4 Responses to “Exercise”

  1. Emma Guy says:

    Squash is good fun!

  2. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    I actually enjoy playing squash – but my squash partners have left Uni…

  3. Nickolaos Kritsilis says:

    Why are you not joining RUVC (Reading University Volleyball Club)

    The website is: http://www.ruvc.org.uk


  4. Karsten Oster Lundqvist says:

    I noticed on the website that you are the president, so you might know the answers to these questions 😉 

    I'm staff here at the Uni (doing a phd on the side), so do you know if that would be ok?

    When do you guys practise?

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