
BoB – getting closer

posted by Karsten

A screenshot of the game showing a few balls that can be pocketed into 4 different holes.The game development is moving along, and I’m almost getting ready for release. The game is now a real game, or actually several – I’m only showing one at the moment, which will changes before release. It has got real scoring, and a timing mechanics (a set time to play which gets some added time for each correctly pocketed ball) which for me wants me play it again! Luckily!! I think it is important that a developer wants to play his own game…

I showed it to a few friendly faces (notable Pat and Nick from ITNG at UoR), they both seemed to like it and had a few suggestions to improve it.

Now I “just” need to

  • finish the starting screen
  • add all the game modes I need for each version (a free ad version and an ad-free paid for version)
  • Create an high score list

And we are good to go…

I’ve made the game by developing a bespoke game engine of balls and boxes, so once this game has been released, it should be relatively simple to create another one based on this engine.


One Response to “BoB – getting closer”

  1. Karsten says:

    and I’ve decided to tweak timings a little bit, but that is a 5 minute job…

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