
Web 2.0 and tag ontologies

posted by Karsten


Following up on my previous blog. Structure within folksonomies are needed to enable automation by computers on knowledge, but how to get this structure into the folksonomy using tag ontologies seem to be a problem. The usual web 2.0 sites are succesful because they are extremely easy to use. If a social network is difficult to use, then nobody can be bothered to use it! Unfortunately tag ontologies are not know to be simple concepts to master, and adding to that comes the complexity of folksonomies. Nobody in this world can be expected to know a complicated domain (such as programming) fully. This is a problem.

Therefore there is a need to create better tools for collaborative tagging and referencing of tags based on ontologies. Would it be possible to do this using a social network? Would Mr. Doe be interested in tagging not just an entity but also the relation between and entity and its “neighbours”? What would make him do that? These are some the many research questions that pussle my mind right now.


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