Archive for the ‘RedGloo’ Category
At the University of Reading we have a very effective proxy, which usually is a very nice a secure thing. But when you try to connect to the outer world from non-browser applications it all falls apart. Most applications follow the NTLM HTTP protocol for proxy authentication, but not the NTLM HTTP proxy protocol for proxy authentication (note the extra "proxy" between NTLM and authentication!) This is probably due to the fact that it is only descriped in 3 lines of appendix B of the NTLM documentation whereas standard HTTP protocol are given many lines.
This is for instance the reason that Ubuntu and Fedora won't update automatically from inside the University, even when using ntlmaps which according to Ubuntu should do the trick, but Ntlmaps doesn't support NTLM HTTP Proxy authentication!
I realised this while I had to get rss-feeds into a "learning landscape" we are organising for our first year students called RedGloo. In Ethereal I could see that the wrong protocol was followed. So I had to rewrite the php script used and it now succesfully gets the feeds through the proxy.
This will probably lead to a "home" project to make a NTLM HTTP Proxy protocol complient gateway, so that I can use Ubuntu inside the firewall. We'll see what time will allow…
The rss-feed is finally getting through the Uni proxy, and into the RedGloo database. It has been quite a struggle due to elgg-source code bugs and a too eager / efficient Uni proxy…
One thing we have to look at is the functionality surrounding the rss-feeds – I'm not quite sure whether I like / understand it, but that's up for discussion…
I've just found that talks about php problems with external access through an ISA proxy.
So our suspision where probably correct – it must be a Uni proxy problem!
I've just heard that the SSE Volleyball society has lost the slot in the sports hall, due to renovation. And that we might have lost it for good, because we aren't a "true" university sports club!
So now I've got a problem! I need exercise…
As you might have seen in my profile I hate running without a purpose, so that rules out jogging, biking etc. But I'd like to play something, cuz otherwise I'll just be complete indulged in my virtual life here at the Uni!
Now I probably need to put on my thinking hat, and find some good sports club somewhere!!
Anybody going to the XNA Games Development workshops?
I'm considering going up there, so maybe some coordination would be possible.
I've just installed the Firefox 2.0 browser, and my initial reaction is; "oh, my god, this is good!"
Initially these are the key points I like the most:
- It installed fast and without rebooting.
- It handles rss-feed as any other page
- It "remembers" all tabs, so if you close one by mistake, you simple re-open it!
- It seems VERY fast
I thought about upgrading to IE7.0 as well. It would be nice to have a benchmark competition.
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