I've just found http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-install&m=114421933720871&am that talks about php problems with external access through an ISA proxy.
So our suspision where probably correct – it must be a Uni proxy problem!
I've just found http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-install&m=114421933720871&am that talks about php problems with external access through an ISA proxy.
So our suspision where probably correct – it must be a Uni proxy problem!
I've just heard that the SSE Volleyball society has lost the slot in the sports hall, due to renovation. And that we might have lost it for good, because we aren't a "true" university sports club!
So now I've got a problem! I need exercise…
As you might have seen in my profile I hate running without a purpose, so that rules out jogging, biking etc. But I'd like to play something, cuz otherwise I'll just be complete indulged in my virtual life here at the Uni!
Now I probably need to put on my thinking hat, and find some good sports club somewhere!!
Anybody going to the XNA Games Development workshops?
I'm considering going up there, so maybe some coordination would be possible.
I've just installed the Firefox 2.0 browser, and my initial reaction is; "oh, my god, this is good!"
Initially these are the key points I like the most:
I thought about upgrading to IE7.0 as well. It would be nice to have a benchmark competition.
I just realised that there is only 2 months to Christmas today!
Scary when thinking of all the things I need to do before (not even considering work related stuff 😉
Following up on my previous blog. Structure within folksonomies are needed to enable automation by computers on knowledge, but how to get this structure into the folksonomy using tag ontologies seem to be a problem. The usual web 2.0 sites are succesful because they are extremely easy to use. If a social network is difficult to use, then nobody can be bothered to use it! Unfortunately tag ontologies are not know to be simple concepts to master, and adding to that comes the complexity of folksonomies. Nobody in this world can be expected to know a complicated domain (such as programming) fully. This is a problem.
Therefore there is a need to create better tools for collaborative tagging and referencing of tags based on ontologies. Would it be possible to do this using a social network? Would Mr. Doe be interested in tagging not just an entity but also the relation between and entity and its “neighbours”? What would make him do that? These are some the many research questions that pussle my mind right now.